Welcome to the pyGSTi website!
pyGSTi is an open-source software for modeling and characterizing noisy quantum information processors (QIPs), i.e., systems of one or more qubits.
Here are various pyGSTi-relevant resources:
- pyGSTi on GitHub, if you want to install pyGSTi from source.
- pyGSTi on PyPI, if you want to install pyGSTi via pip.
- The Quantum Performance Laboratory, the research group at Sandia National Laboratories that develops and maintains pyGSTi. (We're always looking to hire!)
- "Intro to PyGSTi", an introductory talk demonstrating common pyGSTi use cases, given as part of the Unitary Fund Quantum Software Talk series. Demo notebooks from the talk available here.
pyGSTi is free and open-source software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0. To cite this work,
please use the DOI:
For help and support with pyGSTi, please contact the authors at pygsti@sandia.gov.